
Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms

Created by DnD Shorts

D&D enhanced: A 350+ page tome of kaiju battles, crafting mechanics, and player options inspired by ancient folklore and yokai legend. Published by Loot Tavern.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ryoko's Kickstarter Finish, a Slip Case Add-On, and Backerkit Goes Live!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 08:44:00 AM

We Did It!

You Rocked It!! Ryoko's Finishes at $3.3 Million!

The biggest D&D 5e Kickstarter ever, the first D&D 5e Kickstarter to pass $3 million, and the first kickstarter to DARE to create a stat block for a sentient sandal has come to a close! But it's far from the end, because...

The Next Steps

It's time to start pledge management! People who backed the KS will recieve an email in two weeks where you can:

  • Give us your shipping info
  • Add any addons you like
  • Raise your pledge level
  • Upgrade your book covers from core to deluxe
  •  Add the artbook and slipcase (you must add both as all three books need to be in the slipcase)
  • Confirm your desire to receive you free dice (if applicable)

That's right, we managed to sort out a Slip Case add-on for everyone in the Game-Ready, Core Box, and Deluxe Box tier. (The All-In gets the slipcase by default).

Slippin' Into Your DMs bby

Here's how this works: The slipcase will be packaged by the manufacturer with the three books inside of it and packed as a single unit (which should prevent damage in transit). If you're in the Deluxe Box tier, you can simply add the slipcase addon ($20). If you're in the Game-Ready or Core Box tier, you can add both the Art Book and the slipcase ($60).  In the GR and CB tiers you can also upgrade both covers, add the art book, and add the slipcase ($120).

In all cases, all three books and the slipcase appear as a single line item in your basket,  "Core Book Bundle - with Slipcase" for the core covers, and "Deluxe Book Bundle - with Slipcase" for the deluxe covers.

Already Added the Artbook. If you already added the Art Book as an addon in Kickstarter and choose to get teh slipcase bundle, let us know and we'll remove the Art Book addon so that you don't get two of them.

Pledge Management. We'll have a more in depth 'How To' on pledge management closer to the time!

Ryoko's available for Pre-Order!

Ryoko's has a pre-order store on Backerkit, where folks who missed out the Kickstarter campaign can still pick it up! We're honouring all the prices/rewards/tiers on the Kickstarter page on the BackerKit pre-order store, so that those who found out about the project late or couldn't save up in time (please be financially responsible, this is just a game!) can get the same rewards. The only difference is the free dice - those are for KS backers only!

New Addons. In your peldge managers and on the Backerkit pre-order store you'll find what y'all have been asking for: MORE d6s baby!! For both the Yokai Dawn and Eternal Soul (Sharp-Edged) dice we have the Sneak Attack Pack (3d6), Fireball Pack (8d6), and the Meteor Swarm Pack (20d6)!!

Eternal Soul Sharp Edge Resin Dice Fireball Pack! Everything You Need To Throw Out a Fireball or Lightning Bolt!

Tax and Shipping. We're still painstakingly entering the tax amount for every addon and tier in every country, so anyone who uses the pre-order store will not see those amounts in their basket total. We will send an email to all pre-order backers when we finalise the tax and shipping prices and give you a week to check your comfortable with the values. Please be aware, tax in the UK and EU countries can be like 20%! We don't keep this, it goes to your governments!

A Final Thank You, and About That Last Stretch Goal...

(Look, this won't be the final thank you, we have a lot of reasons to say thank you!). I know we've said this a lot, but from the whole team, thank you so much for supporting Ryoko's Guide, your kindness and enthusiasm is incredible and inspiring, and we can't wait to share the PDFs with you later this year!

We did have one final stretch goal, the Bestiary Expansion, a series of statblocks based on every subclass in Ryoko's Guide. It was set at 3.5 million, so we just didn't quite make that one...

But, gosh darn it, we're gonna add it anyway!! We can see how much y'all wanted it, and went hard to get us there. It's the least we can do, and you more than earned it! These will be added for every pledge, coming free in the Ryoko's book!

A Secret Stretch Goal Unlocked!! Added to the core Ryoko's Book!

If you've any questions, you can submit them in the comments to this update, the project updates, or, even better, on the #ryokos-guide-questions channel of the Loot Tavern Discord Server.

Will and the Team

The Final Day, The Final Stretch Goal Revealed, and A Gift!
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:03:48 AM

IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!! (Epic 80s synth intensifies)

Ryoko's Final Day!

Well, here we are at the end, and unbelievably, it looks juuuuust possible we're going to be the first 5e kickstarter ever to break $3 million! That means we need to talk Stretch Goals!

New Bard Subclass: The College of Masks! A way of many tactics for any playstyle!

I'm so hyped we unlocked these bard bois! The College of Masks is a super versatile, transformational subclass! It's almost like four subclasses in one, depending on how you choose to approach your build, with some trickery and subtle stagecraft-inspired abilities to mess with your enemies and manipulate the flow of battle!

But What If We Break $3 Million?

Well, firstly, that would be WILD! It's never been done before. Secondly, we've learned that this community really can do pretty much anything, so we're ready just in case. The $3 million dollar Stretch Goal means we commit to making a second book! We're coming back in the future, and this time, you'll be with us from day 1: getting access to the Alpha Tests, providing feedback and shaping the project together! It's a ways off yet, of course, but that future is one we'll take on together. 

A New Book Dawns!

Already all the community are coming up with inspiring ideas, a lot of folk have been asking about mecha-kaiju mechanics, as the party works in unison to pilot as a construct to battle gargantuan threats... 

Imagine a customisable, kaiju hunting fortress! Will yours be a floating castle with cannons, or a mechagodzilla with lightning breath?

Beyond $3 million, we have a stretch goal to bring a whole new level of immersion to your games! An ambience track for each adventure in Wrath of the Kaiju! Beautiful soundscapes to bring your world to life, free for everyone! That's our $3.25 million SG! It's a long shot, but we're always hyped to expand and improve if you can make it happen!

An Ambience Music Pack! Bring The Yokai Realms to Life!

An Amazing Gift (From A Project We Love!)

Our great friend Moonlight Maps has an epic kickstarter out right now Tabletop Essentials: the ultimate, customisable battle maps! Everything you need to create any map, FOREVER! Check it out here:

Even better, they've sent us all a gift! A FREE Ryoko's Map Pack full of assets and terrain to use in your games! Simply drag and drop the assets you want onto any terrain and craft a totally unique map for scenario in moments! Check it out here, in this google drive: 

If you've any questions, you can submit them in the comments to this update, the project updates, or, even better, on the #ryokos-guide-questions channel of the Loot Tavern Discord Server.

Will and the Team

Ryoko Just Made History: Ryoko's Guide Becomes The Biggest 5e Kickstarter Of All Time!
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 11:49:03 AM

Ryoko's becomes the GOAT!

We Actually Did It!

WOW! You are AMAZING! Ryoko's Guide just passed Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt to become the most funded 5e Kickstarter of ALL TIME. This community has just made the history books! Update the wiki articles, someone call Buzzfeed about their next "TOP 10 D&D KICKSTARTERS" listicle, the times are a-changing!

A Kaiju-Sized Kickstarter!!

But Seriously...

Thank you so much, from all of us. A project of this scope requires love and dedication from dozens of people on the creation side. From the writing, to the art, to the graphic design, to community management, and everything inbetween, everyone on this team has given everything they can to make this special. We love Ryoko's, and are so grateful to have so many of you with us on this incredible journey. Every member of the team has many people to thank, both in our professional and private lives, who have supported us along the way. 

None of this would be possible without you. Your support is inspiring! From all of us, thank you so much!

On a personal note from me, I find myself thinking about the very first words I wrote as Ryoko for this book, an excerpt of her description of the Enkoh, and the strength of community and fellowship.

“There’s magic in this world that goes beyond flashes, bangs, and jets of flame. An earthy magic of food, structure, and fellowship. It’s the magic of a thousand mundane hands raising a city from velvet snow. A magic woven by walking into the cruellest blizzard and welcoming it as your home.

These people understand that magic. The mightest yokai and grandest kaiju might be able to survive here, for a time, but only the enkoh can thrive.”

Ryoko's is the city that we, as a community, raised together. It couldn't exist with all of us, and it's a magic beyond any 9th level spell. We're honoured to be a small part of your story, and the stories you will tell together for years to come!

For those of you yet to meet her, here's Ryoko! And yes, this is also official confirmation that Kitsune is a playable race in the book!

From all of us, thank you so much! You are awesome!

If you've any questions, you can submit them in the comments to this update, the project updates, or, even better, on the #ryokos-guide-questions channel of the Loot Tavern Discord Server.

Will and the Team

A New Race, A New Subclass, And The Final Stretch!
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 12:09:20 PM

We're Hanging In There For The Final Stretch!!

New Stretch Goals Unlocked!

We're smashing stretch goals like a kaiju smashes skyscrapers! You CRUSHED both the 2.3 and 2.5 million goals, unlocking a fourth Element Bender subclass: The Disciple of Fusion and a new playable race: The fortune-favoured Isetsu!

An Elemental Bender Isetsu! Affinity: Water. Hostility: High. Proximity: Way too close!

The isetsu are spidercrab-inspired humanoids with a mighty claws and a sturdy, but brittle, carapace! With versatile core abilities and a bonus action grapple option, they make a great choice for close-quarters combatants, like Monks, Barbarians, Fighters, Rangers, and Benders!

And speaking of benders: Check out the Fusionist!

Fire + Earth = Magma. Magma + Your Enemies = No More Enemies.

Perhaps the most explosive Element Bender subclass, this one is all about combining your Elemental affinities to produce ever more powerful effects. Magma storms, showers of ice, dust tornadoes, and everything in between are yours to command!

Bombuku's Notebook of Knowhow Add-On Out Now!

After a little back-end kickstarter kerfuffle, we've got Bombuku's Notebook of Knowhow available as an add-on! It comes free with the Deluxe and All-In tiers, but anyone can add the 64+ page, softcover physical book to their pledge for just $15! Everyone who's picking up the Ryoko's Guide PDF will recieve the PDF copy of Bombuku's for free too!

A Crafting & Combat Catalog for Players!

Projects We Love

We're still amazed and inspired by your incredible support for Ryoko's, and we're also constantly inspired by the epic stuff other creators in the community are making, like the stunning Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things by our friends at Hit Point Press, with incredible art by Yoshi Yoshitani.

A stunningly illustrated Oracle deck based on the iconic Deck of Many Things!

The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things: An Oracle for Risk and Reward is an oracle deck based on the fifth edition deck of many things. Beautifully illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani, these cards are perfect for asking yourself challenging questions and prompting reflection, with both Overworld and Underworld cards! Recommended for Tarot, Oracle and 5e fans alike, check them out here!

We're coming in on the final ~67 hours of Ryoko's Guide now! If you've any questions, you can submit them in the comments to this update, the project updates, or, even better, on the #ryokos-guide-questions channel of the Loot Tavern Discord Server.

You guys are amazing,

Will (and the team)

Bombuku's Brilliant Book Bonanza - now with FREE DICE!
12 months ago – Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 03:30:11 PM

Look, we couldn't hit $2.1m without giving you all a little something extra...

Rollin' Dem Dice Baby!!

Free Dice for Everyone!*

*Who orders a hardcover book and wants them!

Okay, you heard it here first, everyone who backs at a physical tier (Book, Game-Ready, Core Box, Deluxe Box, or All-in) or adds a hardcover book addon during the Kickstarter campaign gets a free D20 and a free 2d6 from the Yokai Dawn line. That means, if you backed early or got them as an addon, you know have 2d20 and 3d6. Smash through obscene ACs with your advantaged rolls and get that level 5 sneak attack with perfectly matching stabbiness!

Beautiful dice for when your greatsword goes slice!!

Digital Deluxe Tiers. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you! Y'all can't add physicals books in Kickstarter, because of how the system works (Kickstarter gets funny about digital-only tiers).  But fear not, when you fill out your pledge manager (this is Backerkit and happens 2-3 weeks after the campaign fulfils), you will have the option to add one of the hardcover books (Ryoko's Guide, Wrath of the Kaiju, or The Art of Ryoko's Guide) which will come with the free dice!

For everyone whose tier includes a core cover, you can upgrade to the deluxe covers on Backerkit!

Here are the rules! To get these dice you must become a backer during the Kickstarter campaign. Then either:

(A) Back at any one of the physical tiers during the Kickstarter campaign;

(B) Back at the PDF tier and add a hardcover book;

(C) Back at the Digital Deluxe tier and add a harcover book during your pledge management.

Thank you for helping us surpass $2.1m and continue to soar like a sky bison! You guys are the best!

Bombuku's Notebook of Knowhow - New Player-Facing Book

We know how much you cherish your beautiful, hardcover books. Doubtless, you already have a Ryoko's-sized, felt lined gap out of direct sunlight on your bookshelf waiting for February 2025 (just me? Okay...). Well, what better way to keep your book in pristine condition and your game nights flowing nicely than by giving your players (and their grubby mitts) their own reference guide to use mid-game?

Introducing Bombuku's Notebook of Knowhow!

Ain't he the cutest? He makes things that explode!

This ~64-page softcover contains all the information your players might need to quickly reference when it's not their turn in combat. (Note, players: when it's not your turn! Plan your turns ahead of time!). The current plan (subject to change) involves including the following key sections from Ryoko's:

  • The harvesting and crafting rules
  • The rules on scaling kaiju and the Brace action
  • The combo attack rules and options
  • The newly unlocked advanced weapon fighting mechanics

Basically, it's all the stuff that players might want to check in a beautiful, convienent package. Quickly reference these new mechanics and pole vault over an enemy, spin into a Whirling Combo Strike, and then craft up a nice pair of slippers from the remains of the Ogre you just slaughtered!

Bombuku's Notebook of Knowhow is in the Deluxe Box and All-In Tier at no extra cost, but anyone can grab their copy as an add-on if you want one!

If you've any questions, you can submit them in the comments to this update, the project updates, or, even better, on the #ryokos-guide-questions channel of the Loot Tavern Discord Server.

You guys are amazing,

Will (and the team)